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Team Fortress 2 - Shading mini Mod 
This mini mod is a collection of five texture packs that change the shading of the ingame models a bit.
You can see the changes made by the textures when you take a look at the example images. | Example Images
DOWNLOAD | README.txtmgto_TF2_lightwarp_mini_MOD
by Till 'rollin' Maginot till.maginot.eu (c) 2009
About: ´´´´´´
This mini mod provides you with 5 different shading ramp sets for tf2. Take a look at the example image to see how the ramp sets will change the look of an object.
Every ramp set consists of 4 textures.
Files Included In One Set: ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´
pyro_lightwarp.vtf Path: .team fortress 2tfmaterialsmodelsplayerpyro engineer_hands_lightwarp.vtf Path: .team fortress 2tfmaterialsmodelsplayerengineer hand_lightwarp.vtf weapon_lightwarp.vtf Path: .team fortress 2tfmaterialsmodelslightwarps
Installation: ´´´´´´´´´´ Note: You can only install one ramp set at once!
Extract the ramp zip file of your choice (e.g. rampSet1.zip) into your .steamsteamapps<steamID>team fortress 2 folder and make sure to enable preserved folder structure.
Put the files manually into the folders described above.
Deinstallation: ````````````
Simply delete the files described above from your tf2 directory.
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